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Miss Scarlet in the study with a knife? No, that's just Diane.
diane vallere author

Diane Vallere bio:

National bestselling author Diane Vallere writes funny and fashionable character-based mysteries. After two decades in luxury retailing, she traded fashion accessories for accessories to murder. As past president of the national Sisters in Crime organization, she edited the Agatha-Award-winning essay collection PROMOPHOBIA: Taking the Mystery out of Promoting Crime Fiction. Diane started her own detective agency at age ten and has maintained a passion for shoes, clues, and clothes ever since.

Diane Vallere bio (with space terms): 

National bestselling author Diane Vallere crafts humorous mysteries that are out of this world. After two decades navigating the galaxy of luxury retailing, she swapped designer accessories for accessories to murder, propelling her career into the stratosphere. As past president of the national Sisters in Crime organization, she edited the Agatha-Award-winning essay collection PROMOPHOBIA: Taking the Mystery out of Promoting Crime Fiction, rocketing the conversation about marketing crime fiction to new heights. Diane launched her own detective agency at the age of ten, and her passion for shoes, clues, and clothes has been in orbit ever since.

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diane vallere's FULL BIO:

Diane Vallere is the national bestselling author of over forty books, including the Material Witness and Madison Night series. She also writes the Killer Fashion Mysteries and the Sky Crimes science fiction mystery adventures. She edited the Agatha Award-winning essay collection Promophobia: Taking the Mystery out of Promoting Crime Fiction. She has contributed short stories to several anthologies, most recently "Tread Man Walking" in MURDER IN THE AIR: a Destination Murders Short Story Collection and "We Don't Get Along" in MURDER-A-GO-GO’s: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of the Go-Go's (Down & Out Books).

Diane served as president of both local (Los Angeles) and national boards of Sisters in Crime and is currently an active member in the Delaware Valley chapter. She is a frequent attendee at mystery conferences: Malice Domestic Mystery Convention, Bouchercon, Left Coast Crime, New England Crime Bake, Writers Police Academy, and Homicide School for Writers. She served as co-chair of California Crime Writers Conference. Her newsletter, The Weekly DiVa, has an active following, focusing on girl talk, book talk, and life talk.

Diane is a graduate of The College of William and Mary with a BA in Fine Arts and has spent over twenty years working in the retail fashion industry. After living in Dallas and Los Angeles, Diane is back in Pennsylvania where she spends her free time watching classic movies or curled up with a book.


agent representation:

John Talbot

Talbot Fortune Agency

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